How to delete the google search history on my Samsung

Setting up Google Chrome Browser to Automatically clear browsing history on exit can be useful on public and office computers where there is a risk of your browsing data being exposed to others. Follow the steps below to make Google Chrome Automatically clear browsing history when you exit the … How to Clear Your History in Any Browser Apr 25, 2017 Google will now automatically delete your browsing history

Here, you can see your Google search history and other previous activity on other Google platforms you may have used. 2. Click on Delete activity by, which you’ll find on the left-hand side menu bar. 3. To delete your Google activity, select the time range and the activity of the platforms you want to delete.

Welcome to My Activity - Google Welcome to My Activity. Data helps make Google services more useful for you. Sign in to review and manage your activity, including things you’ve searched for, … Delete your Chrome browsing history - Computer - Google

How to search the browsing history on an iPhone in 2 ways

Within the realm of computing, the web browsing history is the list of web pages a user has visited recently, as well as associated data such as page title and time of visit, which is recorded by web browser software as standard for a certain period of time. Web browser software does this in order to provide the user with a back button and a history list to go back to pages they have visited How to View and Clear Browsing History in Google Chrome