Jul 02, 2020

GNS3 server configuration file - GNS3 Nov 10, 2019 Initial Configuration — Graylog 3.3.2 documentation Initial Configuration ¶ Once the application is installed, there are a few items that must be configured before Graylog may be started for the first time. Both the Graylog server.conf and Elasticsearch elasticsearch.yml files are configuration files that contain key details needed for initial configuration. E Configuration Files - Oracle

Jul 02, 2020

server.conf - Splunk Documentation To set custom configurations, create a new file with the name server.conf in the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/ directory. Then add the specific settings that you want to customize to the local configuration file. For examples, see server.conf.example. You must restart the Splunk instance to enable configuration changes. server.conf — Graylog 3.3.0 documentation The file server.conf is the Graylog configuration file.

Basic Usage: Server - HHVM

apachectl - Apache HTTP Server Control Interface - Apache Synopsis. When acting in pass-through mode, apachectl can take all the arguments available for the httpd binary. apachectl [ httpd-argument]. When acting in SysV init mode, apachectl takes simple, one-word commands, defined below. apachectl command Set up the Gremlin Console to Connect to a Neptune DB :remote connect tinkerpop.server conf/neptune-remote.yaml At the gremlin> prompt, enter the following to switch to remote mode. This sends all Gremlin queries to the remote connection. MailArchiva / Discussion / Help: Web login not working, no Jul 08, 2010 ACE: integration roles in the node.conf.yaml instead the